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Christmas at Home


The Season of Family

For a lot of people, the holidays are all about family. This is especially true for our bunch. With Christmas coming up, I'm looking forward to spending time with my kids and grandkids. We'll also be celebrating the arrival of our newest grandbaby who is due this month, which is very exciting!
Christmas is always a good time at our house. We have room for everybody, and it helps that our oldest son and his family live across the street. It makes things that much easier when we're planning get-togethers. Some of our kids have to travel a little further, but it works.
We spend our Christmas Day enjoying good food and drinks (no alcohol, mind you), playing games, and just hanging out. It's pretty much like all our family gatherings, except it happens to be on Christmas, and there might be a few presents around.
I think one of the reasons we always look forward to getting together, no matter the time of year, is because we get along so well. I don't know what it is, but our family works well together. There's no tension or frustration - just a whole lot of love.
My family is the greatest gift I could ever ask for. They give me so much joy and happiness, and when you have a family like that, you hold on to it and cherish the moments you have with them. I look forward to the memories we'll be making in the years to come.
I will say, as an aside, that my wife has gotten me some pretty good gifts over the year. I still remember the year she got me a set of golf clubs. I had absolutely no idea. It isn't easy to hide a set of golf clubs, but she pulled it off!
As this year comes to an end, I can look back and say things went well. On the business side of things, we had a great year, despite the challenges. When COVID-19 first hit, all of our employees stepped up. No one panicked. Everyone looked at the situation with level heads, ready to take on the task without knowing what the future might hold.
Just as I'm fortunate to have such a great family, I"m fortunate to have a great team. They were quick to adapt and figure out new ways of doing things to ensure the safety of our customers and make sure every job got done. They did a lot of different things they had never done before - things I had never done before - but they ironed out the kinks and made it work.
Because of their hard work and team effort, we'll be close to reaching our year-end goal. We won't hit it dead on, but the fact that we didn't have to let anyone go or worry about what "might" happen next makes it all worth it. There's more to business than just sales goals.
The bottom line is that we're here to fix cars and deliver excellent customer service as a team.
Happy Holidays!