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I'm Living My American Dream


“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.”

—Martin Luther King Jr.

On Aug. 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech, calling for unity. This was one of the most powerful speeches in modern history, as he communicated with compelling and unforgettable language — it was effective and went down in history as a moment that began to change the world. I believe his speech impacted every single person in the U.S. through the values it stood for.

In my eyes, Martin Luther King Jr. was a great person and leader. He was extremely unbiased and had the best interests of our country at heart — something I have always admired and tried to adopt. I try to do what is right for everyone; for that, he’s a great role model. He has given me the motivation and grit to chase my dreams.

My dream has always been to start a business — an establishment I could call my own. As a young kid, I was set on making this dream a reality. I loved cars, and the idea of leading others enthralled me. I wanted to work for myself instead of working for others and loved the idea of taking my morals, values, and other things important to me and creating something I was proud of; thus, Quality Plus Automotive was born, and I have never looked back.

Now that I’ve accomplished starting my own business, my dream is to keep it running. If I love anything more than myself in this world, it’s my children and grandchildren, and I want to make sure they never struggle like my family did when I was young. I never want them to worry about finances or where their next meal is coming from.

I take pride in my family and raised my children to understand the importance of a healthy work-life balance, the value of family time, and the power of bringing a dream to life. I hope my kids continue to raise kids who share these values and go on to carry out the legacy I’ve created or start their own businesses. My vision is for Quality Plus Automotive to live on and for my kids and grandchildren to help make it better, larger, and more profitable. Right now, my daughter, who just had her second baby, and my oldest son work here with me, and I hope my grandkids will one day want to take part in the family business to have a place they can call home, too!

It’s the American dream!

-Randy Bunn