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Prepare Your Vehicle For Winter


Prepare Your Vehicle For Winter

Living in the south, it's a given that the winter weather can be very unpredictable, so it's important that we're prepared for anything. Whether it snows here, or if you're planning to travel somewhere that it snows, you should have a winter car kit. If you don't have one already, we're sharing some things that may come in handy if you find yourself stuck in a winter wonderland.

Suggested supplies to include:

  • Windshield scraper. You'd be surprised how many people don't have one of these handy for the winter months. Make sure you have a good quality scraper with a brush in your kit. Don't forget it!

  • Replacement wiper blades. We probably don't need to stress the importance of being able to see properly when you're driving, but just in case, keep an extra set of wiper blades in your kit just in case something should happen to your existing blades.

  • Extra windshield washer fluid. This goes along with the importance of being able to see clearly, keeping your washer fluid full during the winter is important to keep your windshield clean from the debris and salt.

  • Additional anti-freeze. It's just as important for your vehicle in the cold weather as well as the heat.

  • Snow shovel. You never know how much snow you could run into.

  • Bag of abrasive material (sand, salt, or kitty litter). This will come in handy if you're not able to gain traction on icy roads. You can also use traction mats.

  • Jumper cables. One of the most common issues with vehicles during the winter months are dead batteries. It's much harder for vehicles to start in cold temperatures.

  • Fix a flat. You don't want to be stranded in cold weather due to a flat tire. This will inflate your tire immediately, and fix almost any puncture.

  • Tow rope. It'll pull you out of most situations.

  • Warning devices (emergency triangle, flares). Alert others that you are in need of assistance.

  • Flash light. And don't forget the extra batteries!

  • Basic toolbox (screwdrivers, pliers, wrench).

  • Cell phone accessories (charger, additional charged battery). We suggest programming rescue apps and save important numbers in your phone prior to traveling.

  • First-aid kit. Safety first.

  • Drinking water and non-perishable snacks for passengers. If you have pets, be sure to keep food stored for them as well.

  • Blankets and extra warm clothing. Be sure to include gloves, hats, scarves, etc.

  • Games/Toys. These aren't essential, but if you have children you'll want to keep them occupied if you're stuck for a period of time. Don't let them drain the battery of your cell phone watching videos.

Now, keep in mind, this isn't a complete list of items that you might want or need in your winter kit; but it's a start! And no matter what the season, we suggest having your vehicle inspected before your travels so that you can feel more confident and safe on the roads. Safe travels!

If you think there's anything we might have missed in our winter car kit, let us know!
