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12 Days of Car Care Tips


So you're probably familiar with the 12 days of Christmas right? Well we're here to provide you the 12 days of car care tips to help you get your vehicle ready for winter and all of your holiday travel plans!

Sing with us now...

On the 1st Day of Car Care Tips, we suggest to thee...

Antifreeze - Clean, flush, and put new AntiFreeze in the cooling system.

On the 2nd Day of Car Care Tips, we suggest to thee...

Warming-Up - The best way to warm your engine is to drive gently at the start.

On the 3rd Day of Car Care Tips, we suggest to thee...

Gas Tank - Keep tank at least half full to avoid moisture forming in gas lines and possibly freezing.

On the 4th Day of Car Care Tips, we suggest to thee...

Exhaust System - Check for carbon monoxide leaks, especially dangerous in winter when driving with windows closed.

On the 5th Day of Car Care Tips, we suggest to thee...

Brakes - Have your brakes checked before driving in winter conditions. Being able to stop properly is the most important feature to keeping you safe.

On the 6th Day of Car Care Tips, we suggest to thee...

Battery - Cold weather is hard on batteries. Have the battery and charging system checked for optimum performance.

On the 7th Day of Car Care Tips, we suggest to thee...

Prepare - Stock a winter car care kit with an ice scraper, snow brush, jumper cables, flashlight, blanket, bottled water, and dry snacks.

On the 8th Day of Car Care Tips, we suggest to thee...

Lights - Check all interior and exterior lights are working properly. We recommend a headlight restoration service to improve the clarity of your headlights to help you been seen better by other drivers.

On the 9th Day of Car Care Tips, we suggest to thee...

Tune-Up - Schedule a tune-up before winter sets in. Winter magnifies existing problems such as hard starts and sluggish performance.

On the 10th Day of Car Care Tips, we suggest to thee...

Tires - Check tread depth before driving in snow and icy conditions. Check your tire pressure weekly in colder weather.

On the 11th Day of Car Care Tips, we suggest to thee...

Windshield Wipers - Consider winter wiper blades and use cold weather washer fluid.

On the 12th Day of Car Care Tips, we suggest to thee...

Have a safe and happy holiday season from all of us at Quality Plus Automotive Service!

This is just a limited list of items to take care of to get your vehicle ready for the change in seasons. Contact us to schedule your service today!