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Have You Found Your Passion?


The Benefit of an Automotive Career

Lately, we've gone to a couple of career fairs, and it's been so amazing to see how many young adults are interested in joining the automotive workforce. If you like solving problems and tinkering or just love working with your hands, a career in the automotive world might be for you! The industry is full of people who are supportive and passionate about helping the community, and enjoy working with cars. That's not the only perk, though - an automotive career has several benefits for someone eager to learn and get their hands dirty.

Randy and Anna at the Wake Tech Automotive Systems Career Fair

Salary and Bonuses

Mechanics and technicians earn an average starting salary of $30,000, but the median pay for technicians, depending on whether they work at a garage or a car dealership, is between $39,000 - $61,000 nationally. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, many mechanics collect a commission based on the amount of work they complete each work, so the income possibilities as a mechanic gains experience.

Efficient Education

One of the best things about going into the automotive field is how efficient the training is in terms of both time and money. According to The Simple Dollar, the average price of a trade school is $33,000. Attending a trade school rather than a university, where the average bachelor's degree costs $127,000, results in about $94,000 worth of savings. Trade school students also take on about 70% less debt (at an average of $10,000) compared to those pursuing a bachelor's degree (who average $30,000 in loans). What's more, trade-school attendees can enter the workforce as a qualified professional in as few as two years, where their university counterparts require four years of education or more before they can enter the processional workforce.

High Tech Knowledge

Many people envision mechanics working with tools like a wrench, but since car technology is changing so rapidly - modern vehicles are basically computers on wheels - there are also boundless opportunities to learn about technology. In fact, thanks to electronics like backup cameras, entertainment systems, and pedestrian detection, automotive jobs have never been more focused on advanced technology. This means that today's mechanics are learning more about electronics and computer systems and working with advanced equipment to solve problems.

A career in the automotive world is more fulfilling and exciting now that it has ever been, and the demand for automotive technicians is expected to grow. To explore more about what an automotive job can do for you, visit
