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Fall Fun! 5 Corn Maze Safety Tips


Fall brings apple cider, pumpkin patches, fun seasonal outfits, and corn mazes. Unless you are visiting a “haunted” corn maze, you and
your family probably won’t be chased by a chainsaw-wielding serial killer while you try to navigate through. However, safety risks are still
present. Here are five safety tips to keep the fun coming during your next corn maze experience.

Follow the rules.
At the entrance to each corn maze, there should be a sign stating the rules for visitors. For the safety of yourself, your children, and others, be
sure to read each rule and follow along. Always accompany your kids in the corn maze — it is a maze, after all!

Watch for tripping and fire hazards.
Keep your eyes peeled for any obstacles on the path, including holes, bumps, ruts, and corn stalks. While navigating a maze, it can be easy to
forget to look down while searching for the exit. To prevent fires, you should also avoid smoking and never use matches or lighters.

Wear proper footwear.
Ensure that you and your family all have proper footwear, preferably closed-toed shoes, while exploring the maze. You never know what
kind of critters or potentially harmful hazards may appear in your path.

Eat beforehand and stay hydrated.
Be sure to eat before setting out into the maze and don’t bring any glass bottles with you, as they can be dangerous if broken. Also, do not consume alcohol before or while enjoying your time at the corn maze.

Be prepared.
Accidents can happen, usually at the most unexpected times! It is important to always have a first-aid kit handy. In an
emergency, let staff know what is going on and call 911 if necessary.

Happy wandering!