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If At First You Don't Succeed...



February is a peculiar month because it’s a bit of a lull for many. After a hectic holiday season, we all finally begin to wind down a bit midway through January. Then, come February, it feels as though the excitement has completely dwindled, and everything has returned to normalcy. However, we can’t forget Valentine’s Day!

Every Feb. 14, we celebrate the friendships, love, and special bonds we share with those closest to us. We exchange chocolate, roses, small gifts, and jewelry (and don’t forget those little candy hearts!). We go out for nice dinners, eat breakfast in bed, and set up memorable dates with our significant others. Most  importantly, we show appreciation to those who support, guide, and adore us. After all, it’s often said that to love and be loved is one of the greatest splendors in life. This Valentine’s Day, I celebrate my wife, family, and closest friends.

Also in February is National Get Up Day. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s a day in which we raise awareness for the importance of getting back up after you’ve been knocked down. If you don’t know how to get back up after falling down, whether it’s a physical or mental fall, you’ll never reach your full potential.

On the professional side of things, I’ve been in business for 39 years, and while I’ve certainly experienced and endured some dark, low moments, I’ve also learned how to roll with the punches. After a bad fall, I’m a pro at dusting off, learning from my mistakes, and pressing forward. We all may stumble, but the key is to remain optimistic and never give up. Giving up will only result in failure, and from my point of view, failure is not an option.

As a child, I endured some very difficult moments and losses in my life that gave me the strength I needed to take control of my life. Without the ability to get up and continue chasing after my dreams,  I’m confident that I’d never be where I am today. And today, I’m still prepared to fall down again. However, one thing is for certain: I will always be getting right back up, no matter how bad the fall is!

To you and your loved ones, happy Valentine’s Day! Don’t forget to always get back up!

-Randy Bunn