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Vision Is Everything



It’s safe to say the holidays were a giant success — we ate, drank, and were merry. I had a great last few weeks of 2022, so I started looking ahead to 2023 and did some preparation and planning. Sure, taking down the holiday decorations is always a little sad, but with a brand-new year ahead of us, there is much to look forward to!

The new year always sits well with me — I’m a goal-oriented guy. Without goals, where would we be? In the new year, I always set out to watch less television, play more golf, or be more productive with my time. However, I’ve noticed many people set all types of goals and resolutions for the new year, then fail to follow through with them. In fact, Jan. 17 has been dubbed Quitters Day, the most common day for people to give up on their resolutions. It’s like D-Day for New Year’s goals!

But why do people fall so short on their resolutions? I think that most commonly, people set unrealistic goals or goals not specific enough and easy to just let go of. To set realistic and achievable goals for 2023, here are some pointers I’ve gathered.

Tackle one at a time.

Sure, developing a workout plan, eating healthier, and getting more organized sound great, but concentrating on all three of these resolutions, along with everything else life throws your way, can be overwhelming. Even if you have a long list of areas in your life you’d like to improve on, focusing all your attention in just one area will be much more effective and help you avoid burnout.

Keep them specific.

A common resolution for the new year is to lose weight. However, because it’s such a broad idea, there are almost too many paths people take to achieve this goal. With such ambiguity, it’s easy to skip out on days at the gym or allow a few too many cheat days. Instead, getting specific with your goals will help you to stay on track.

Start small.

Don’t bite off more than you can chew! Sure, it’s great to hit the ground running, but going from 0 to 60 in just a week or two can quickly lead to burnout or finding yourself very overwhelmed. Instead, ease into a new routine to accomplish your goal.

What are your 2023 goals and aspirations? My hope for each of you is to find some area of your life you’d like to improve and work on it. We are all works in progress — we never stop learning and growing.

Happy New Year! 2023, we are ready for you!

-Randy Bunn